Pathways to Inner Peace

An apprenticeship with your Self

Next intake September 2024

A 8-week programme that helps you connect with your true nature by shining light on the stories you tell your Self through acquired beliefs and assumptions, adaptive behaviours, and body states.
By unveiling your unconscious drivers, you have the possibility to liberate your Self from them and live a Self Led Life.

The Three Pillars of Connection

There are Three Pillars of Connection at the core of this work. Connection to Self, Community and Environment. These pillars will support you as you make the unconscious conscious, thus revealing your true Authentic Self (and perhaps a higher or spiritual Self).

Trauma Informed

This Trauma Informed work is supported by Compassionate Inquiry, Internal Family Systems, Somatic Experiencing, Gestalt and many other theories, modalities, practices, teachings, and philosophies. You should note that this is not a theoretical experience. We call it work, because in many ways, that is what you will be doing – working on your Self, and the many other parts of you.

You can expect to get in touch with parts of you that have been suppressed, hidden, and maybe forgotten. Together we will create safety to allow space to explore the feelings, body sensations, emotions, and stories we tell ourselves. This container of safety is crucial when it comes to allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, to see, speak and feel our truths.

12 Guiding Qualities

Each month we will work together so that you can Come Home to your true Self. Your true Self is the aspect of you that has the qualities of Compassion, Curiosity, Creativity, Calmness, Clarity, Confidence, Courage, Authenticity, Presence, Persistence, Perspective, and Playfulness.

These 12 qualities will guide your work and will be the theme for each month.

Who is this for?

The programme is for any individual who wants to know the “truth of who they are”. It will support you work through difficulties and challenges, achieve a new sense of Self, understand your drivers, triggers, and complex issues, and heal parts of you that long for your attention and care.

It is an opportunity to be present, conscious, and compassionately committed to your Self.

If you want to bring about change in your life, that change must begin within. With space, support, and safety, you will be your own guide, while attuning to your feelings, body sensations, and thoughts. You will examine, feel into, and make sense of your “inner system” and how it, along with your mind and life experiences, can “hijack” your present moment experiences and interactions.

What do you receive?

Every week you will participate in a 90-minute group “Circling Home” session facilitated via Zoom. These sessions start from Tuesday 3rd September, from 7.30pm – 9.00pm UK time.

Weekly peer “Listening Calls” with you and up to 2 other fellow participants to discuss and practice learning, share hurdles and support each other.

Weekly “Space for You” emails to support your Coming Home to Self with recommended reading, viewing materials and Self-care practices.

Membership of a private WhatsApp group with additional resources, support, and opportunities to further connect with your fellow explorers.

Your Facilitator

Stephen Brown has been working with people for over 25 years, and connection is at the core of that work – connection with self, with community and the environment.

Stephen offers courses, retreats and 1-2-1 sessions that are powerfully transformative and have the intention of bringing harmony to your mind, your life, your community, and the world.

His work utilises many western, eastern, and ancient modalities, practices, and environments. All the while, holding safe space for you to navigate your life, nervous system, perceptions and beliefs, behavioural patterns, and values.

Stephen promises to remain present to you, his Self and the process. He will support you and provide curiosity, care, compassion, connectedness, calmness, and clarity.

How much does it cost?

This programme of Self-discovery is limited to 16 people and includes:

  • 8 X 90-minute group calls
  • 8 X 1-hour peer support sessions
  • 8 weekly support emails
  • Membership of private community group

The full fee is £560 GBP with an early bird rate of £495 for confirmed places before 28th June.
***Payment plans are available and deposit secures early bird rate

Some words from people who have worked with Stephen

The course was without a doubt, the most empowering, challenging, intense, fun, and useful course I have attended – thank you!

I have attended Stephen’s courses and worked alongside him on several occasions in delivering inspirational and in many cases life-changing sessions to individuals and corporate clients.

In all my dealings with Stephen he has clearly demonstrated a real passion and desire to make a difference to the lives of others through the work he does. He is very personable and highly professional. He is a truly inspirational individual!

Stephen is without question the most congruent, professional, and conscientious person you could wish to meet

Stephen was highly organised, very safety-conscious, and incredibly patient, encouraging, and knowledgeable. This very likable man is just highly skilled at creating safe spaces and opportunities for mind-sets to change, from “can’t” and “impossible” to “maybe” and “let’s do it”.

His delivery shows great warmth and humility,

Stephen Brown is an incredibly talented, intuitive and a natural trainer. His guidance helped me overcome every challenge that my thoughts posed in front of me. His knowledge of the subject, the training methodology, his patience, his listening skills, all of this was very inspiring and helped me throughout our training programme. He is humble, high on emotional intelligence, very clear, articulate and patient. I have had the most amazing experience training with him, I feel transformed, uplifted, fear free & limitless.

Stephen has delivered some truly rewarding and transformative experiences and was professional and entertaining throughout.

Everything that Stephen does is done with absolute integrity, pure intention, and wonderful authenticity – he has a deep calming presence.

Stephen works with deep grace, creativity, professionalism, sensitivity, energy, flexibility and with an astounding dexterity in translating often complex concepts into an accessible, supportive, and familiar language. I have observed Stephen to work skilfully to support individuals and groups, sensitively attending to group dynamics whilst also offering one to one support when needed. I experience Stephen to be a committed, passionate leader and highly skilled facilitator

Stephen is a modest down to earth authentic man who is passionate about people.  He has a natural ability to relate and connect. His gentle, considerate personality shines through in his interaction with people.

Take the next step on your path and secure your place today.

Confirm your place today with a deposit and we will contact you to arrange options for the balance.